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How to Make Better Decisions with DiSC

Study after study puts decision making skills in the “must-have” category for today’s workforce. Why?

Because the ability to make sound judgements and decisions is a key requirement for pretty much everyone in business. 

how to make better decisions with disc

But how often do we really dissect how to be great at decision making?

One of the key ways we can explore better decision making is through the lens of human behavior and DiSC, especially when part of a team. Your team’s ability to make smart decisions directly impacts how productive you will be when working towards a common goal. But each DiSC style has its own strengths, blind spots, habits and motivations which both help and hinder decision-making.

By understanding how we make decisions, as well as how others make decisions, we can speed up decision making and prevent stalemates from happening.

Here’s how each DiSC style behaves when in decision mode:


Keyword: Speed

In meetings run by D Styles, decisions are more likely to be made quickly, with clear and concise action plans. If the decision-making process stalls, the D style will likely call for a vote. This style likes voting because it’s clean, quick, and decisive. It keeps debating to a minimum. Also, it’s harder to argue that a vote is unfair and closure is clearly attained.

What to watch for: Since D Styles are fine taking risks, they may push others beyond their comfort zones in group decisions.


Keyword: Buy-in

i Styles are outgoing, persuasive and people-oriented, and seek collaboration in the decision-making process. More participation is better, because it increases buy-in for the decision. And buy-in raises group energy and commitment.

What to watch for: This need for participation may frustrate other styles, especially if it slows down the decision-making process or ignores key facts and data that need to be considered.


Keyword: Harmony

S Styles are reliable, helpful and patient. Like the i Styles, they also prefer decisions by participation and consensus. Other team members can count on the S Styles to do their job in the faithful execution of group decisions, especially when there is a clear path forward.

What to watch for: This need for harmony may frustrate other styles, because decisions tend to be worked and reworked until all are in agreement.


Keyword: Fact-based

C Styles seek rational decisions. Optimally, the decision will be dictated by the facts and logic of the situation. C Styles like to analyze the pros and cons of issues to reach the best decision. To the C style, risk is something that must be minimized or even eliminated. This means the process must be done correctly.

What to watch for: This “processing” may be uncomfortable for others, because the analysis the C Style craves takes more time and ignores options that could offer better results if prudent risks are taken.

By understanding how each DiSC style approaches decision making, we can temporarily adjust our own preferences to sync up better with their needs. And if other styles do the same for us, decision making speed and outcomes instantly become better.

Dial up your team's decision making effectiveness with one of our decision making workshops or online courses!


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