The Focus Story
Focus Performance Systems was founded in 1973 because we saw a need for better ways to transfer valuable critical thinking and problem solving skills to executives and managers. Instead of focusing on theory, our approach centered on teaching repeatable skills for problem solving and decision making and equipping managers with practical tools for applying the skills back on the job.
While our mission of providing the best tools and techniques for problem solving, decision making and group performance hasn't changed, the ways we deliver our FOCUS solutions continue to grow and evolve.
Want to experience the expertise of Focus Performance Systems for yourself? Give us a call today and let’s discuss what we can do for you.
“Decision Focus has helped our company establish a common method of making decisions, analyzing situations and solving problems. It allows us to focus on the real issues instead of interpreting everyone’s unique methods.”
Sr. VP Operations
“It was a pleasure to work with you on the leadership challenges that I was faced with. It was very helpful to have a fresh perspective that was independent from all our organization’s ‘swirl.’ Thank you for your guidance.”
Leadership Coachee
“This process was eye opening (in a good way), and really user-friendly. I appreciated how you provided context for the three strategies and tactics we chose for the next phase of my leadership journey.”
Executive Director
“The team is excited to move forward – we were energized by all we accomplished during the Team Launch workshop.”
Team Leader
“This was exactly what we needed as a team. Great insights - this will be a solid foundation for our team to build on.”
CEO & Business Owner
“I really enjoyed this class. I’m a super left brainer (engineering background) and found these tools a great way to find truly creative solutions. Thanks again!”